Violet Macarons and a Coffee Cup by Barbara Martello

This photo of a violet french macaron was taken on a lazy sunday afternoon in early spring, as violets flower suggest. The set is an easy one: just a wihte tablecoth, a white cup and a milk jug. The color is given by differents shades of violet. The broken macaron let us know that someone is going to eat and surely enjoy it. The green backgroudn suggests us that we are in a sunny garden.

Photo of the day 04082019 1n

Fujifilm X-T1 with Fujinon 35mm | Exposure 1/125 @ f/2.8 | ISO 200 | Focal Length 35mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
August 4, 2019



Value 13
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 12.5
Skill 12.5

Award Category
Food Photography

Photograph Location
Udine, Italy

Born in Italy, Barbara Martello lives in Udine and travels her country and Europe. She started shooting 5 years ago and dedicated to do food photography from the start of her photography studies, shooting at restaurants and her own projects about the origins of food and recipes. She is also committed to food reportage across Europe about peculiar original food or activities about food harvests. Beside food, Barbara also likes live music and pet photography. She never stops learning photography and studio lighting and the history of photography.

Current Location
Udine, Italy




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