Lonely Bird in the Cold Himalayas by Sarthak Pattanaik
I took this shot during my trip to the Eastern Himalayas.I was watching the beautiful mountains in my hotel’s balcony when I saw the bird sitting on a branch.I rushed to my room to bring my camera and to click this beautiful bird.
Winter in Spring by Moslem Azimi
Nature of kurdistan always have a different beauty for us. Fog, snow, grass, rain, yellow plants, all together in a same time and situation. Lines and colors, great lighting and all them near to each other. A good scene and mood.
Green Bee-Eater and the Rays of Sun by Sarthak Pattanaik
It was weekend and I was near a lake searching for birds. After walking for an hour near the lake side.I found this bird sitting on a branch near the lake at the time the sun was about to set and the rays of the sun made the bird look beautiful.