The Secret of the Mirror by Samira Rahmati

I took this photograph from the mourning ceremony of Ashura in Abyaneh city. Abyane is a traditional and old city near Kashan. People used to wear old palm beds and mourned the old traditions. When I saw this woman standing in front of the mirror, I felt so delighted as if she needed the secret of the mirror.

Photo of the day 29062019 1n

Nikon D750 with 24-120mm | Exposure 1/100sec @ f/14 | ISO 100 | Focal Length 120mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
June 29, 2019



Value 13
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 14
Skill 13

Award Category
Portrait Photography

Photograph Location
Abyaneh, Kashan, Iran

Samira Rahmati is an emerging photographer. She was born in Iran and lives in Tehran. She studied photography, Persian language, and literature. She loves traveling and photography, and is currently working as a photographer in the Young Hamshahri Magazine. She loves to portray the life, people, and nature with her photography. She believes, her photographs represent how she looks at life of the people of Iran, their culture, and traditions.

Current Location
Tehran, Iran




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