Lovely Food by Sanaz Nemati

It’s just egg white, which has lots of protein. I mixed it with kiri cheese and cherry tomatoes. I fried the egg in butter, and decorate it with red and orange peppers, cherry tomatoes, and cheese. It’s really delicious and good for athletes, for a breakfast, or a meal.

Photo of the day 30052019 1n

iPhone 7 | Exposure 1/100 @ f/1.8 | ISO 20 | Focal Length 3.99 mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
May 30, 2019



Value 12
Clarity 12
Composition 18
Style 12
Skill 12

Award Category
Food Photography

Photograph Location
Chaloos, Mazandaran, Iran

Born in Iran, Sanaz Nemati lives in Chaloos, but when she can she travels the world. She loves photography, painting, and cooking. She is 24 years old, was born in 1995. She has Bachelor’s degree in architecture and is now a senior engineering specialist, and an English teacher. She visited Malaysia and Thailand. Her mother is a midwife and her father is an agricultural engineer. She is married.

Current Location
Chaloos, Mazandaran, Iran


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