Flower Dreams by Kirsten Bruening

This photo was taken on an early summer morning when I was walking with our dog. The sun was still relatively low. As a result, the flowers and plants were bathed in soft light. I deliberately opted for a black and white photograph to capture and represent the light as much as possible.

Photo of the day 27112019 1n

Nikon D800 | Exposure 1/400 sec @ f/2.8 | Focal Length 50mm | ISO 200

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
November 27, 2019



Value 13
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 13

Award Category
Close-Up Photography

Photograph Location
Koln, Germany

Kirsten Bruening is an amateur photographer and lives near Cologne. Her passion for photography started in her childhood and she spent many years exploring analogue photography. After a long break of fifteen years, she returned to photography. She loves black and white photography in nature, portraiture, and wildlife. She believes nothing can convey more expression to emotions and beauty than the play of light and shadow. She plans an extra-occupational study in photography and wants to deepen her knowledge.

Current Location
Cologne, Germany


15 replies
  1. project yet unknown
    project yet unknown says:

    I myself love macro photography, so this is right up my alley. I especially love the transparency of the petals. Almost like paper. The depth of field leaves a lot to imagination. And this is, at least for me, the recipe for a good picture.

  2. Serg
    Serg says:

    Thank you so much for the incredibly beautiful picture! You have captured such an important and beautiful moment in life…
    It’s the atmosphere, ease of use and great mood…
    It was a holiday for me…
    Flowers are so beautiful and gentle…
    Flowers are life…
    I love your work…

  3. Alain
    Alain says:

    Simple and very poetic picture. Very well played with the light and tonal range which bringing out the beauty of the flower.
    Beautiful work!

  4. Farah Asad
    Farah Asad says:

    Beautiful in it’s Simplicity. Without letting colour get in the way, she has played to the great strengths of black and white – texture and shape. The way she has put emphasis where lines intersect and how light accentuates different textures. Bravo!

  5. Vladimir Spasskii
    Vladimir Spasskii says:

    The author of this work showed the beauty of the flower in black and white. Excellent work.

  6. Sigrid Parthei
    Sigrid Parthei says:

    The light shinning through the flower is just wounderful… Perfect balance of light and shadow.. A great black and white picture!


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