Vision by Shubham Katiya

The bird eyes more accurate then humans and there aim also.They can survive all the type because some small birds are food of other big birds they always stay alert and fast to save ourselves from them. There are many birds who survive all the day in this world.

Photo of the day 25092019 1n

Canon 750d | 50mm lens | Exposure 1/320sec @ f/4.0 | ISO 100

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
September 25, 2019



Value 11
Clarity 12
Composition 17
Style 13
Skill 11

Award Category
Wildlife Photography

Photograph Location
Dewas, India

Photography is everything to Shubham Katiya. There are many types of photography, but his favourites are portrait and street. He started his photography career in 2016, as a mobile photographer and after 2 years he finally got his first DSLR camera. Shubham is not a professional photographer, he is a learner. He believes sometimes things are different in our life. We all are same but our problems are; just like when we click one photo and the result might not be correct, so can just delete, that gives us a chance to change the settings in camera, however, in our life we don’t have the option to set or change once things are done.

Current Location
Pune, India


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