Snow Bathing by Marianne Vahl

Last winter I passed this cute timber house in Trysil by car, and stopped to find out what it was. It turned to my surprise out to be a bathing house. The house with its solitude and beautiful location also made a very good motive for taking som pictures. I was also very happy with the skies and the shadow of the house creating the underlying geometry I was hoping for in my photo.

Photo of the day 21022020 1n

HUAWEI Mate 20 Pro | Exposure 1/2500sec @ f/1.8 | ISO 50 | Focal Length 58mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
February 21, 2020



Value 12
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 12

Award Category
Nature Photography

Photograph Location
Trysil, Norway

Marianne Vahl was born in Norway and currently lives in Oslo. She has lived in several countries including England, Spain, and Denmark. She travels a lot and takes pictures wherever she goes. She is a classical singer and philosopher with a passion for photography. Marianne loves to take pictures of nature, architecture, art, and anything she finds inspiring. In particular she likes to combine photos with philosophical or poetic written content.

Current Location
Oslo, Norway


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