The Swan by Evdokiya Witwicki
The photo was taken by me on February 21, 2020 in Moscow, during the run before "The Swan Lake" ballet. In the photo, the soloist of the "Classical Russian Ballet" Elizaveta Taranda is preparing to go on stage. There are detales of a black and white swan costume in her hands.
Chicken Soup by Diep Tran
One of the food that I can eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner is chicken soup. It is very healthy and not too rich dish To get more flavor you can add fresh herbs, bean sprouts, lime, pickled chili, and garlic, hosin sauce, fish sauce... into the bowl depending on your taste.
Grilled Fish with Lime by Diep Tran
My husband loves cooking this kind of fish with lime and salt. He said it is a way to keep the sweetness of the fish. Dill and string onion can be added five minutes before the food ready to give the food more flavor. I put the food on the rack just to have more texture in the photograph.