Freshly Made Biscotti by Rabih Madi
This is during a shoot I was doing for Panelli’s, these Biscotti were siting on the counter beside the cashier. Took a fast snapshot of this delicious treat.
Spring by Silvia Bukovac Gasevic
I took this long exposure photo using 17mm wide lens and natural grey filter that allows exposure to be extended by the factor of a thousand (DolDer X-Pro Series Slim Neutral Density Filter ND 1000). Exposure settings was 27 minutes. I was standing in the shallow water using tripod and waiting for a photo for over 27 minutes (noise reduction time included).
An Old Man with a Turban by Lavi Dhurve
Staying in a village during NSS camp and interacting with the people was a very difficult task. Because there was a lot of caste-based sentiment in people, it was a difficult task to talk to them, they felt that we are people with poverty line survey. Some people used to close the doors of their house just after seeing us. However, there were people who also sensible to share information with an open mind. He is a grandfather among them. Because he was wearing a very colorful turban, in which he looked very good, I took a picture of him.