Fish from the Black Sea by Petrana Nedelcheva

We, Bulgarians, have a saying that goes:” Fish have 7 qualities and with each hour that has passed,they lower by one “. The Black sea mackerel is healthy and delicious at least as much as the salmon,and it’s good for us to have it in our meals from time to time.

Photo of the day 03012021 1n

Canon EOS 500D with 50 mm | Exposure 1/60 sec @ f/2.5 | ISO 100 | Focal Length 50mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
January 3, 2021



Value 12
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 13

Award Category
Food Photography

Photograph Location
Around Sofiya, Bulgaria

Petrana Nedelcheva is born in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. For the last years she lives in a village close to Sofia, surrounded by beautiful nature and animals. She is a beginner in the photography and likes to make mainly food photos, usually sourdough bread and bakery products, which is her greatest passion. Still life also attracts her. Petrana loves the village life and tries to express the feeling of being close to nature in her photos. She does not use special stuff for her photography sessions, instead she is keen to use the things that surround her and that can be found in the house, in the year, on the field, or in the woods. Therefore, she considers photography as her hobby. In her village house she also takes care of different animals that very often become objects of her photographical views.

Current Location
Sofiа, Bulgaria


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