Reflection at Bandra Beach by Amit K Sharma

This is the evening time in Mumbai, roaming around near Bandra beach with my phone and saw that there is a child playing and selling his stuff. When he saw that I am taking his picture he just started looking at me and that created this amazing photograph.
I really love to capture streets.

iPhone 11 | Exposure f/2.8 @ 1/1464s | ISO 32 | Focal Length 4.25mm

Reflection at Bandra Beach by Amit K Sharma

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
December 9, 2022



Value 11
Clarity 12
Composition 18
Style 12
Skill 11

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Amit K Sharma was born and raised in Dewas, Madhya Pradesh, India, where he currently resides and works as a software engineer. However, his true passion lies in photography, which he pursues in his free time. Amit is always ready with his camera to capture any interesting moments or scenes he comes across in his daily life. Apart from photography, Amit also dabbles in videography and has created short videos for his personal YouTube channel. His ultimate goal is to create a channel dedicated to short films that highlight various social issues in a compelling and thought-provoking manner. Amit believes that his camera is his best partner in spending his time and expressing himself creatively.

Current Location
Dewas, Madhya Pradesh, India


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