The Swan by Evdokiya Witwicki
The photo was taken by me on February 21, 2020 in Moscow, during the run before "The Swan Lake" ballet. In the photo, the soloist of the "Classical Russian Ballet" Elizaveta Taranda is preparing to go on stage. There are detales of a black and white swan costume in her hands.
Freedom and Happiness by Jose Juniel Rivera-Negron
This photograph reminds me a lot of my mother, she loves flowers, specially sunflowers. I took the photo one day on my way to the stores for shopping and saw all these flowers out-side of a big store and just started to shoot some pictures ...
Play with Me by Silvia Bukovac Gasevic
This was an exercise on the topic of bokeh and how to fit it with the subject within the frame. On the photo is my favorite camera, a wooden pinhole large format camera - "camera obscura" - Zero Image. I hope to shoot again using negatives and develop black and white films soon.