The Crow by Fidan Nazim Qizi

Crows are black birds known for their intelligence and adaptability, and for their loud, harsh “caw”. Crows are extremely intelligent birds. They are known for their problem-solving skills and amazing communication skills. For example, when a crow encounters a mean human, it will teach other crows how to identify the human. In fact, research shows that crows don’t forget a face.

Photo of the day 16082020 1n

Nikon D3100 with 18-55mm | Exposure 1/2000 sec @ f 5/6 | ISO 450 | Focal Length 55mm

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
March 16, 2022



Value 11
Clarity 11
Composition 15
Style 11
Skill 10

Photograph Location
Baku City, Azerbaijan

Born in the city of Baku, Azerbaijan, Fidan Nazim Qizi lives in Baku, but travels often to other countries. She loves nature and mountains, as well as doing hiking. She started taking her first black and white photos when she saw the works of amazing photographer Vivian Maier. She is the reason Fidan chose to shoot in black and white medium. Fidan likes photography so much, because she believes photography can give us energy, feelings, and inspiration in life.

Current Location
Baku, Azerbaijan




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