Ready-to-use Ingredients by Rodrigo Aliaga

This photograph was taken in the kitchen with a big window at the left side. The light is diffused to obtain soft shadows. I used a big apperture to reduce the depth of field, so only the paprika and the garlic are in focus. In that way the perspective and the depth of field help me to isolate the two ingredients I want to stand out.

Canon 5D MkII with 50mm | Exposure 1/125sec @ f/2.8 | ISO 250 | Focal Length 50mm

Ready-to-use Ingredients by Rodrigo Aliaga

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Award Winner
Photo of the Day

Award Date
January 26, 2023



Value 12
Clarity 13
Composition 18
Style 13
Skill 13

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Born in La Paz, Bolivia Rodrigo Tato Aliaga decided to work with the image. He works as a director of photography filming and using real film, not digital, and directing tv advertisements. Improving all his skills and capacity he decided to do photograph digitally and founds in food photography the best possibility of mixing creativity and technique to achieve exquisite photographs, in all senses.

Current Location
La Paz, Bolivia


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