Lucca by Silvia Bukovac Gasevic
Walking the streets of Lucca (city in Italy) at any time of the year is always inspiring. I always carry my camera with me whenever I go and I often carry a tripod too, but this time I didn't have a tripod and I had to rely on some other solutions like widening the aperture and shooting with higher ISO.
Fresh Catch by Catherine Ferraz
This photograph from Catherine's Cafe, located in the English Harbour area of Antigua. Fresh catch is always something to look forward to at any beach restaurant, this was the days fresh catch of Mahi Mahi by the local fisherman Nico.
What Should I Do with My “Life” by Keith Goldstein
I was spending a quiet evening at home. I went into the bedroom to see what my wife was doing. There she was lying on the bed reading this book. I was struck by the title - "What Should I Do with My Life" and ran to get my camera. She gave me only one chance to take this photo.