Simple Raspberry Cake by Jasna Verčko
I was baking a birthday cake for my baby girl's first birthday. I like to show the whole process of making the cake so I included myself putting a raspberry on the top of a half-finished cake. The cake was styled with flowers to show it was a birthday gift.

Lessons by Francisco Chamaca
In that learning process where your teacher explains technique, skill and the skills necessary to be able to overcome any problem, that is the attention that one must always have to advance and improve in the things of life. situations that one observes and realizes how important attention is to be better

Lemon Crinkle Cookies by Jasna Verčko
In the summer I bake cookies, too, but usually add them a fresh element like lemon in this case. I prepared a new summer recipe for my blog but also wanted to practice a more dark style in my photos. The lemon and the powdered sugar had an amazing contrast with the black and grey background.