Taken for Granted Sights by Swati Iyer
This is a photo of one of the many canals across the Netherlands. This is a sight I see regularly on my way to the library and often times have taken it for granted. The photo is a reminder to pause here and to embrace the beauty of things that we may take for granted.
Monaco Flag by Giorgio Mostarda
During the Regata for the Principato di Monaco Trophy, a boat shows its salis with the colors of the flag of the Principato di Monaco, and the reflection on the sea gives a particular effect. Shooting on the boat, I saw this picture in a second. Wait more time, and the result sound be lost.
A Dios Vais by Sagar Makhecha
"A Dios Vais" is a deeply personal photographic series that captures emotions words can't express. Each image, a silent story, encapsulates my trapped emotions and conveys the depths of feelings I cannot say aloud. These photos may evoke different responses in others, but for me, they are my story and my canvas, revealing the silent struggles and profound emotions within.