Family of Swans by Giulia Avona
Family of swans mirroring in the river. The ducklings are all grey, small and cute. The Mincio River in Northern Italy is a rich source of biodiversity with lots of swans and ducklings during the spring season. This pictures perfectly how sometimes family means the same to animals as it does to us humans
Rooftop by Keith Goldstein
My wife and I were visiting a friend's ceramic studio in Brooklyn. I am always drawn to windows especially when they are well above our apartment floor home. I looked out of one of the banks of windows and was drawn to the pattern of the quantity of vents and skylights of the rooftop of the adjacent building.
Recalling Man’s Place In Nature by Arnaud Vlaminck
A walk in nature is always beneficial. Sometimes it gives you time to think, to put things into perspective. This photo illustrates the importance of human beings in this world: in the end, we're just a small being in the midst of a grandiose natural world that's much bigger than we are. A good reminder of our place on earth in relation to nature.