Tag Archive for: Bangalore

Generous Donations, by Achintya Guchhait
An old man was spreading his arms for generous donations on the ocassion of Eid day in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | October 12
Award Score: 64 (Value 12, Clarity 12, Composition 16, Style 12, Skill 12)

Happy Face, by Achintya Guchhait
Happy young children during the Eid prayers in Bangalore. Even though Muslim in Bangalore is a minority, around 15% of population, they all gather together for the Eid prayer from different parts of the city.
Award Winner: Photo of the…

A Mutualistic Relationship, by Subhashish Nag Choudhury
What surprised me after seeing this was the most precious relationship in nature - the way a bee extracts a flower's sweetness without making any harm of it.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | August 06
Award Score: 69 (Value 13, Clarity…