Tag Archive for: Chile
Calm Walk by Ignacio Amenábar
In Isla de Maipo, Chile there is a festival that takes place every year in commemoration of the "Virgen de la Merced". During this celebration, different types of local and emblematic Chilean characters parade. After the main street where the parade was taking place, I found this couple of huasos flirting with their horses.
Puerto Eden Hamlet by Nilla Palmer
Veiled amongst Patagonian Fjords and channels, this small hamlet known as Puerto Eden appears unexpectedly, enveloped by the dawn mist. Only accessible by boat, this town is one of Chile’s most isolated inhabited places.
Sur Profundo by Maureen Mayne-Nicholls
Esta imagen fue tomada sobre un barco que nos llevaba a lo profundo del sur en Chile, mi país. porque profundo?, porque en Chile existe la Carretera Austral, un lugar hermoso, oculto