Tag Archive for: Chittagong

The Carpenter Bee, by Masudur Rahman
I took this photograph of the carpenter bee at Chittagong. Though usually I am not interested to take insect photos, but that day when I saw this bee I decided to take photo due the color of its wing. It's beautiful. When I took the shot I even…

Water Lilies, by Masudur Rahman
I shot this photo of water lilies at Chittagong university. The water lily is the national flower of Bangladesh. It is called "Shapla" in Bengali language. These stunning flowering plants have been used in worship and as symbol of life and love.…

Indian Flying Fox, by Fakrul Mamun
This photograph was taken on October 8, 2014. It was a short birding tour near my house. I was looking for birds, but suddenly found a big bunch of this mamels. They were hanging on a large tree and passing their lazy daytime.
Award Winner:…