Tag Archive for: Classic

A Plate of Rice.

A Plate of Rice by Ryszard Wierzbicki

This photo presents another person satisfied with a simple rice meal. Amazing how little you need to make a smile to the face of a slum resident from Smokey Mountain. A plate of ordinary rice with a little sauce is a sufficient reason to give a guy a sincere smile. This lady has little, but the smile presents charming.
Asian Smile.

Asian Smile by Ryszard Wierzbicki

The look of the slant-eyed girl from the slums of Smokey Mountain will remain in my memory for a long time. The amount of poverty and misery I saw here forces me to reflect on the luxury of my own life. The problems experienced by ordinary Westerners are disproportionate to the scale of poverty I saw in the slums of Manila.
Rice Meal by Ryszard Wierzbicki

Rice Meal by Ryszard Wierzbicki

As you know, the basis for food in Asia is rice. Also in the Philippines, rice is the main ingredient in almost all meals. In places such as Smokey Mountain, the rice consumed directly on the street, under the wheels of the car, as often the only available meal is a sufficient luxury. As you can see, this is a enough reason to smile.