Tag Archive for: Close-Up Photography
Red Hot Pokers by Hamidreza Zarini
Kniphofia uvaria is a species of flowering plant in the family Asphodelaceae, also known as tritomea, torch lily, or red hot poker, due to the shape and color of its inflorescence.
From Lifeless to Life by Sandhya Kumari
As you may have already known that smaller forms are usually called doves, larger forms pigeons. An exception is the white domestic pigeon, the symbol known as the “dove of peace.”
A Snail on My Way by Petrana Nedelcheva
fter the yet another autumn rain, this snail tried to cross my way and as it was trespassing on the moss, that had grown on the shadowy section,I thought that it would become a great photo.I got back in the house, took the photograph and, like a real photographer,I laid on the wet ground, so I can shoot it as well and as close as I can.Like this, one not-so-popular and yet beautiful living creature, became an object for my photography. Only if you knew how much I don't want them in my garden,where they passionately chew on all the types of vegetables there are...