Tag Archive for: Close-Up Photography

Crab in North Caicos by Tisha Clinkenbeard
North Caicos, in the Turks & Caicos islands, has beautiful beaches and clear waters. While snorkeling off Horse Stable beach we found this little crab and he decided to peek out of his shell and crawl along the beach.
Award Winner:…

Spring Lily, by Tisha Clinkenbeard
Who can resist a beautiful spring lily with the beauty of the pollen, or what I call “pixy dust” still on the flower? Each spring I love their blooms and the brightness of the inner colors contrasted against the dark petals.

After the Shower, by Tisha Clinkenbeard
We live in our family home which my husband grew up in. We have the land that my husband and we have raised cattle on, enjoyed gardening, and hosted lots of family and friends for get-togethers. This lily was planted by my late mother-in-law…