Tag Archive for: Close-Up Photography

Red Crabs, by Shahnaz Parvin
While visiting Nijhum Dwip, a cluster of islands in the shallow estuary of the Bay of Bengal, we were mesmerized by its natural beauty. When my friends and I were walking on the sand, and talking about how beautiful nature could be; we located…

Sophistication, by Tisha Clinkenbeard
After a summer rain shower a beautiful vinca flower held the drops showing the reflection of the silky white, with the yellow center and greenery.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | February 14
Award Score: 60 (Value 11, Clarity 10, Composition…

Grasshoppers Hiding, by Tisha Clinkenbeard
This photograph was taken at the Jessie Chisholm grave site, in Left Hand Spring near Geary, Oklahoma. While visiting the Jesse Chisholm grave site, I spied the grasshoppers that were all over the waist high grass as we walked around.