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  • #852035
    Wiwik sudarmiati
    Contribution Points: 133

    Recently, I have signed up to for 7-days free access. How can I send my photos to the award? Please send me the steps. Thank You.

    Anja Rockel
    Contribution Points: 5,433

    Congratulations! for getting the free 7-days access. It is only for few handful of selected photographers, whom our team member invited to the award.
    About the steps for the photo submission in the award:
    1. We do have all the steps already mentioned in our step-by-step “Getting Started” page. The link is also at the top menu of our website and at the footer.
    2. Our International Jury has also emailed you the selection. That email also mentions the steps.

    Do let us know if you need any further informations.

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