An Exclusive Interview
with Amit K Sharma

Amit K Sharma was born and raised in Dewas, Madhya Pradesh, India, where he currently resides and works as a software engineer. However, his true passion lies in photography, which he pursues in his free time. Amit is always ready with his camera to capture any interesting moments or scenes he comes across in his daily life. Apart from photography, Amit also dabbles in videography and has created short videos for his personal YouTube channel. His ultimate goal is to create a channel dedicated to short films that highlight various social issues in a compelling and thought-provoking manner. Amit believes that his camera is his best partner in spending his time and expressing himself creatively.



December 2022

Winning Position:
2nd Place

In this “Exclusive Interview” section, today we have the opportunity to talk with Amit K Sharma , as one of his  photographs won the Photo of the Month – December 2022,2nd Place.

Let’s discover more about Amit K Sharma, and his forays into photography in the following interview :

Light & Composition
Greetings from Light & Composition University, Amit K Sharma. How does it feel being selected as the winner of Photo of the Month, December 2022,2nd Place?

Amit K Sharma

It’s incredibly gratifying to see my photo chosen for the second position. Living in Dewas, my passion for photography and video is deeply intertwined with capturing the unique beauty and moments around me. This recognition validates the effort and creativity I pour into my work, motivating me to keep exploring and refining my craft. It’s a wonderful feeling to see my vision appreciated by others.

Light & Composition
Your photograph “Sunset at Bhairav Kund” won the 2nd Place in the Photo of the Month –December 2022, is a wonderful Close-Up photograph, with artistic perspective, correct lighting, and very well presented. Overall, a great composition! Tell us more about your experience of taking this photograph.

Amit K Sharma

Taking the winning photograph was an exhilarating experience. It started with scouting locations in Dewas, looking for a spot that truly captured the essence of the area. I chose an early morning shoot to take advantage of the soft, golden light that would add a magical quality to the scene.

As I set up my equipment, I was struck by the tranquility and beauty of the moment. The composition came together naturally—the interplay of light and shadow, the textures, and the vibrant colors all harmonized perfectly. I spent considerable time experimenting with angles and settings to ensure every element was just right.

When I finally captured the shot, I felt an immediate sense of satisfaction. Reviewing the photo later, I knew it was something special. Winning recognition for this photograph is a testament to the countless hours of practice and my deep connection to the art of photography.

Light & Composition
Besides this winning photograph, many people liked and voted for other photographs of yours in the Photo of the Day contest. Are you proud of your work and achievements?

Amit K Sharma

Absolutely, I’m very proud of my work and achievements. Having multiple photographs liked and voted for in the Photo of the Day contest is incredibly rewarding and affirms my dedication to photography. It’s an honor to have my work appreciated by so many people.

Light & Composition
How do you see your journey to the world of photography so far?

Amit K Sharma

My journey into the world of photography has been an enriching and transformative experience. From learning the basics to experimenting with advanced techniques, each step has deepened my passion and honed my skills. The journey has been filled with moments of inspiration, creativity, and growth, and I look forward to continuing to explore and evolve in this art form.

Light & Composition
As we know, you are originally from India. Do you think the rich diverse cultural and artistic heritage of India portrayed a different essence to you?

Amit K Sharma

Growing up in Dewas has profoundly influenced my work. The town’s rich, diverse cultural and artistic heritage offers a unique essence that permeates my photography. The vibrant festivals, traditional architecture, and scenic landscapes provide endless inspiration and a distinct backdrop for my images. This environment has shaped my artistic vision, allowing me to capture and convey the beauty and spirit of Dewas in my work.

Light & Composition
Do you like a particular genre of photography and if so, why?

Amit K Sharma

Yes, I have a particular affinity for landscape photography. I love capturing the natural beauty and serenity of the world around me. The way light interacts with the landscape, the changing seasons, and the vast, open spaces all inspire me. Landscape photography allows me to convey a sense of place and emotion, inviting viewers to experience the beauty and tranquility of nature through my lens.

Light & Composition
Have you ever exhibited your work? If so, then tell us about your first exhibiting experience.

Amit K Sharma

Yes, I have exhibited my work. My first exhibiting experience was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. It took place at a local art gallery in Dewas, where I showcased a collection of my landscape photographs. Preparing for the exhibition involved selecting and printing the best images, framing them, and setting up the display. On the opening night, seeing people engage with my work, ask questions, and share their interpretations was incredibly rewarding. It was a pivotal moment that boosted my confidence and reinforced my passion for photography.

Light & Composition
Are you involved with any photography organizations? How does this help you in your photography?

Amit K Sharma

Yes, I am involved with several photography organizations. Being part of these communities provides valuable opportunities for networking, learning, and growth. Through workshops, seminars, and collaborative projects, I gain new insights and techniques that enhance my skills. The feedback and support from fellow photographers are invaluable, helping me to refine my work and stay motivated. Additionally, these organizations often provide platforms for showcasing my photography, furthering my exposure and recognition.

Light & Composition
One of the keys to any style of photography is visualization. Please tell us how you started this process and what you did afterwards.

Amit K Sharma

Visualization in photography began for me with studying the work of renowned photographers and understanding their techniques. I started by imagining the final image I wanted to create, considering composition, lighting, and mood. I then planned my shoots meticulously, scouting locations and anticipating the best times for natural light. During the shoot, I stayed flexible, adapting to changing conditions while keeping my vision in mind. Post-processing was the final step, where I enhanced the image to align with my initial vision, ensuring every detail contributed to the overall impact.

Light & Composition
What advice would you give our readers who want to take part in the journey around the world with Photo of the Day?

Amit K Sharma

My advice for those wanting to join the Photo of the Day journey is to start by developing a keen eye for detail and always be ready to capture moments as they unfold. Focus on learning the fundamentals of photography, such as composition, lighting, and post-processing. Practice consistently and don’t be afraid to experiment with different styles and subjects. Engage with photography communities for feedback and inspiration, and most importantly, stay passionate and patient. Every photo is a step in your journey, so enjoy the process and keep exploring.

Light & Composition
Thank you Amit, for sharing your feelings and experiences with us.

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