An Exclusive Interview with Patricia Saraiva

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Patricia Saraiva born in the city of Apucarana, in Parana, Brazil, in 1969, daughter of Alda and Osmundo Saraiva. Lived with her parents and her two sisters, Angelica and Luciana, until the age of 16. Then, she moved to Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, to do the first and the second years in high school, and then entered the medicine college. There, she lived with maternal grandparents. She graduated from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Minas Gerais in 1993, specializing in next 5 years in Plastic Surgery. With the birth of her two children, Victoria and Andre, she started to take pictures of them and these were her first contacts with a camera.. She took photos that recordered growth, the rides, the games, the birthdays… The extent to which photographed, came to have their photos noticed and praised, as good quality and frame. Nowadays, whenever leaving home, and even within her medical bag, takes her camera and in the absence of that, she uses the phone’s camera, to record what calls her attention during the day, and during trips. Her first photographic exhibition, “Barcelona Balconies” occurred in 2011 in the city of Sao Paulo-SP-Brasil. In 2012, the same exhibition went to Belo Horizonte-MG, which ran for two months. She took records of the works of Antonio Francisco Lisboa, icon of Baroque art in Brazil, in the book: “The Aleijadinho-Catálogo Geral da obra” by Marcio Jardim(2012). Her greatest desire is to devote more time to photography and to improve her talent, which is her hobby and passion, through social networks and internet, where the photos are appreciated and known without borders.

In this “Exclusive Interview” section, today we have the opportunity to talk with Patricia Saraiva, as his photograph was winner of Photo of the Month – 62nd Month, 1st Place. Let’s discover more about Patricia Saraiva, and his forays into photography in the following interview with her.

An Exclusive Interview with Patricia Saraiva

An Exclusive Interview with Patricia Saraiva, winner of Photo of the Month – 62nd Month, 1st Place.

Light & Composition: Greetings from Light & Composition, Patricia. How does it feel being selected as the winner of Photo of the Month, 62nd Month, 1st Place?

Patricia Saraiva:I was quite surprised to win this award! My pictures had already been chosen a few times as the photo of the day…but I was really exhilarated and happy to see that my view was portrayed as the photo of the month.

L&C: Your photograph “Enchanting” was selected as Photo of the Month, is a wonderful Close-Up Photography Photography with artistic perspective, correct lighting, and very well presented. Overall, a great composition! Tell us more about your experience of taking this photography.

Patricia: This winning photo was taken on a beautiful sunny morning, with blue skies. It was spring and the gardens of where I was at were exuberant and colorful!
I was in Apucarana, my hometown, which is located in the state of Paraná, in the southern region of Brazil.
My mother and I were walking, when this beautiful flower caught my attention! Fortunately I had my macro lens for the iPhone 6- called the olloclip with me.
In short, I was at the right time with the right camera!
Yes, I like to take photos with my mobile phone!!!!!

Enchanting, by Patricia Saraiva

Enchanting, by Patricia Saraiva

L&C: Besides this winning photograph, many people liked and voted for other photographs of yours in the Photo of the Month contest. You must be proud. How do you see your journey to the world of photography so far?

Patricia: Photography came into my life when my children Vitória and André were born; at that time I wanted to photograph and register their lives, how they grew up, daily achievements, and the love that surrounded them.
Photography was initially a hobby, but now it has taken on a larger role in my life, and I see photography as my true passion!
It is something that comes to me naturally, without really trying…and is an expression of my perception of life.
These awards are a very important stimulus for keeping me going.

L&C: As we know, you are originally from Minas Gerais, Brazil. Do you think the rich diverse cultural and artistic heritage of Minas Gerais portrayed a different essence to you?

Patricia: I believe that photography says a lot about the photographer. You see what you know, so you photograph what you know and live.
I was born and raised in a country town , which gave me a contact with nature, green and very large plantations !

Soybeans and wheat fields are my private paradise , I feel at home …
Perhaps for this reason , I am so fond of photographing landscapes.

Yes, I think that portrays a essence to me very important like to see the simple beauty that surrounds us

L&C: Do you like a particular genre of photography and if so, why?

Patricia: I guess I don’t really have a particular favorite genre of photography at this time. I like to take pictures of landscapes, nature, macro, cities, and daily life.

L&C: One of the keys to any style of photography is visualization. Please tell us how you started this process and what you did afterwards.

Patricia: I don’t know what to say, because I do not do anything special. There is no process, this visualization comes naturally. The technical part is in regard to the actual shooting of the photo, where light, speed and angle are the variables.

L&C: Have you ever exhibited your work? If so, then tell us about your first exhibiting experience.

Patricia: -My photographs are featured in the book on Brazilian Baroque art: ” O Aleijadinho – Catálogo Geral da Obra – Mestre da Arte Barroca .
-I have had 4 individual photography exhibits; the first one had the theme: “Balconies of Barcelona.”
-Recently, in 2015, I won a Cultural Contest with the landscape photograph called “Primeiro Plano” (Foreground) was chosen to be featured at the entrance of an important Medical Center in the City of Belo Horizonte.

My first exhibiting experience was about “Balconies of Barcelona.”. I took the pictures during a Congress.
I arrived a few days before and I was charmed by with the quantity and variety of the balconies in the city.

L&C: Are you involved with any photography organizations? How does this help you in your photography?

Patricia: Yes. L&C!!!
The thing that most attracts me in the selections made by Light & Composition is the requirement that the original photo must not be altered. Without any editing or treatment, we can really show our naked truth, which it is what we’re really seeing.
This is the origin of all the beauty of the photograph and the look!
I ‘m very happy to know that my photos are being shown around the world.

L&C: What advice would you give our readers who want to take part in the journey around the world with photography?

Patricia: Believe in your potential! The universe conspires in favor of everything that is done with love.

L&C: Thank you, Patricia, for sharing your feelings and experiences with us.

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