An Exclusive Interview with Waseef Akhtar

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Waseef Akhtar is a freelance photographer based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He is working with a few companies as a part-time photographer. Photography has always been his passion and he aims to pursue it until he has pushed the boundaries of his ability. He has been interested in photography for four years, but only took this hobby seriously over the past two years. He is constantly trying to improve and evolve as a photographer.

Born in 1993, Waseef Akhtar was always interested in the arts. He excelled in these in school, winning several drawing competitions, and was admired by his family and friends as an artist. He was encouraged as a child to show his work to the world, and try to promote change. In 2007, at the age of fourteen, he got his first point aned shoot camera, and thus tried to push the boundaries of his ability. He was introduced to Flickr, a photo-sharing site and whenever he looked at images taken by users, he felt the business and passion of photography. Thus, he captured whatever he found interesting, shared it with the Flickr community, and learned a lot.

By mid – 2008, besides his regular studies, he got the opportunity to work as a part-time photographer with automotive companies. From that time, he always tried to produce an image that actually ‘stands out’. He upgraded to a new DSLR camera and read many online articles, tutorials, photography magazines, and is still learning from every moment of his life.

Besides photography, education has always remained the first priority in his life. Waseef Akhtar has always been an average kind of student and he believes that he will remain average in his higher education by quoting, “Nobody’s perfect”. He recently took his Cambridge IGCSE (O Levels) exams and is planning to study his higher education in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia too.

We will discover more about Waseef in the following interview with him.

Exploring the Intricacies of Photography with Passion - Part 2

4 replies
  1. Zuhair
    Zuhair says:

    Amazing brother. May you be the most sucessful photographer in future, InshALLAH , and i still be your friend till then free photographs.. Congratz man and yes your photos are amazing

  2. Zohair Pasha
    Zohair Pasha says:


    congrats!!! hope u achive all the goals in your career!!! INSHALLAH!!!

    ad ya YOU truly are talented!! :) ;)


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