An Exclusive Interview
with Mauro Squiz Daviddi

Mauro Squiz Daviddi born in Bologna in 1966. Started photographing in 1976 with the camera of his father, a Vitoret Voigtländer. Photography is his love, and in 1986 Mauro obtained the degree of “Master of Art” at the Art Institut of Bologna. He Has exhibited his photographs in many European countries.



July 2022

Winning Position:
1st Place

In this “Exclusive Interview” section, today we have the opportunity to talk with Mauro Squiz Daviddi, as one of his  photographs won the Photo of the Month – July 2022, 1st Place.

Let’s discover more about Mauro Squiz Daviddi, and his forays into photography in the following interview :

Light & Composition
Greetings from Light & Composition University,Mauro Squiz Daviddi. How does it feel being selected as the winner of Photo of the Month, July 2022, 1st Place?

Mauro Squiz Daviddi

I’m very happy to have been selected. It is an accomplishment I’m very proud of.

Light & Composition
Your photograph “Roberto” won the 1st Place in the Photo of the Month –July 2022, is a wonderful Close-Up photograph, with artistic perspective, correct lighting, and very well presented. Overall, a great composition! Tell us more about your experience of taking this photograph.

Mauro Squiz Daviddi

The photo I took is part of a research project I undertook- a project focused on people and their jobs. The man I captured works with and for homeless people. In that photograph i wanted to capture his gaze, the way he observes the drama of the situation.

Light & Composition
Besides this winning photograph, many people liked and voted for other photographs of yours in the Photo of the Day contest. Are you proud of your work and achievements?

Mauro Squiz Daviddi

It is definitely a pleasure to have been selected. I hoped my photos would be noticed and so this achievement gives me the drive to keep doing what I do.

Light & Composition
How do you see your journey to the world of photography so far?

Mauro Squiz Daviddi

My journey began many years ago when i was a child. I think it will keep going forever- experimenting with photography brings me a great sense of joy, it is a job that i dedicate a lot of my time to.

Light & Composition
As we know, you are originally from Italy. Do you think the rich diverse cultural and artistic heritage of italy portrayed a different essence to you?

Moslem Azimi

The place where one grows up naturally influences their work a lot. I wouldn’t be able to specifically put into words the way it influenced me, but I am pleased with the result. I live in Italy, a place where art is part of our culture’s very foundations. It is nice to be immersed in such a place.

Light & Composition
Do you like a particular genre of photography and if so, why?

Mauro Squiz Daviddi

I really enjoy street photography and I love taking pictures of other kinds of art, specifically sculptures. I enjoy the former for its spontaneous nature, and the latter for my love towards that form of art.

Light & Composition
Have you ever exhibited your work? If so, then tell us about your first exhibiting experience.

Mauro Squiz Daviddi

I have participated in many art exhibits around Europe. My biggest memory of my very first experience is mainly a great sense of anticipation.

Light & Composition
Are you involved with any photography organizations? How does this help you in your photography?

Mauro Squiz Daviddi

I am not part of any photography organization.

Light & Composition
One of the keys to any style of photography is visualization. Please tell us how you started this process and what you did afterwards.

Mauro Squiz Daviddi

This process, as i mentioned, began in my childhood. Looking at things in a certain way is photography’s basis. I can somewhat predict in my head what the result of a picture will look like. I know I can make it look like I want it to. I have evolved and perfected this method over many years.

Light & Composition
What advice would you give our readers who want to take part in the journey around the world with Photo of the Day?

Mauro Squiz Daviddi

Keep following your passion for photography! Pick out your favorite shots and remember that with enough practice you will undoubtedly manage to express what’s inside you, and people will see it and appreciate it.

Light & Composition
Thank you Mauro, for sharing your feelings and experiences with us.

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