Tag Archive for: Fabrizio Bues Photography

Old Transportation in a Modern City by Fabrizio Bues
Tokyo is amazing. I was walking around asakusa, a gem of historycal heritage between skyscrapers and lights, and just a block after the metro station, where everyone looks at his smartphone, without communication, just tapping on the screen…

Reflection of the Rinascimento City by Fabrizio Bues
The castle of Ferrara, located just in the heart of this fantastic Rinascimental city, seems to reflect its history, its majestic past and power. And the city knows this. It soon seemed to me that the city, the streets around the castle, embraced…

The Arc Tunnel by Fabrizio Bues
This is the most ruined ancient castle in the plain of Jordan, near the Iraqi border. Omayyadi built it and probably they couldn't imagine that walls would have fallen. The row of these stones arc are still standing toward the time.