Tag Archive for: Fabrizio Bues Photography

A Tunnel of Stones by Fabrizio Bues
This tunnel of stones lies from century, on the Nile banks. If you run into the tunnel you will probably jump in the water of the sacred river. In addition, you can be safe. In case of fire, you can always pick the fire extinguisher, left there…

United Colors of Yellowstone by Fabrizio Bues
Yellowstone National Park is not only a wildlife refugee when encounter walking buffalos, bears, or wolves, but due to its volcanic nature, it provides clouds of gas that matching with air, provides fantastic colours and rusty texture for the…

A Simple Lighthouse by Fabrizio Bues
Lighthouses are one of the most iconic subject in the east coast of the United States. This one is well placed on a descending side of a hill. It has a difficult path to reach there. I like to imagine that an old man with the pipe in his mouth,…