Tag Archive for: Félix Sánchez-Tembleque

The Journey is All Yours!
What are the most cherished moments of your life? Are they of the happy times that you've spend with your near and dear ones? Or rather of the times when you've achieved some magnificent success? No doubt these are some rare moments that are…

Punta Insua Lighthouse by Félix Sánchez-Tembleque
Located near the Roman Finis Terrae (Galicia, Northwestern Spain), Punta Insua beach was one of the places most suffering the Prestige oil spill in 2002. I discovered it when going to clean it volunteering, and go back almost every year to photograph.

Descending the Espigüete Peak by Félix Sánchez-Tembleque
It was a very good journey with some friends in January, 2004. The Espigüete Peak is located at a northern Spain mountains range, the Palentinas, and has climbing routes from AD (the one we choose) to ED.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day…