Getting Started with Your University Courses

Thank you for joining Light & Composition University. As our courses are online, we understand sometimes it might be difficult for some to apprehend how courses work. This guide is to take you through that process.

If you are already enrolled, and completed payment then move to Step 4 for logging in to Light & Composition.

If you are already logged in, move to Step 6 for participating your university courses.

Step 1: Getting Enrolled

1. To start your course at Light & Composition University, you have to enroll to it.
Please press “Enroll Now” button, just below the featured image of any of our course.

Getting Enrolled

2. You can also find the “Enroll Now” button if you scroll down to course overview section.

get enrolled course overview

Step 2: Cart and Checkout

1. “Enroll Now” button will take you to your cart, you may continue adding more courses or publications by clicking “Continue Shopping”, or you may navigate to checkout by clicking “Proceed to Checkout” for entering your details before payment.

cart getting started

Our courses are self-paced and should be done alone, however if you have friends of family members who are willing to join with you, you can pay from the same cart by increasing or decreasing the quantity. Use the -/+ or simply write to the quantity field and then click “update cart”; other than that the quantity of the cart should be 1.

2. Once you are in the checkout page and if you are an old Light & Composition member, but not logged in then you should login by using the social login or the simple login option. If you are new to Light & Composition, simply fill up your first name, last name, and email address then click “Proceed to Payment”.

Your Checkout

Step 3: Payment

1. “Proceed to Payment” will take you to PayPal, one of the world’s most secure payment gateway. If you have PayPal account, you can simply login and pay with just one click.

Pay with Paypal

2. If you do not have a PayPal, and want to simply pay with your debit/credit card or bank account then click “Pay with Debit or Credit Card”.

Paying with Card

2. When you want to pay with your debit or credit card, you have to fill up your card and billing details and then click “Pay Now”.

Your Card Details

Please note, PayPal considers paying with cards as Guest Checkout, as they will not keep these data or open a PayPal account.

Step 4: Login to Your Dashboard

1. The easiest way to get all your access is your dashboard.
To get into your dashboard, you can simple login by using the “Dashboard” link or user icon from the top right of our website.

Dashboard Login

2. Alternatively, you can login by visiting “Manage Your Account” from footer.
Both the link take you to:

Login from Footer

Step 5: Use Your Login Credentials or Social Network

Please use your login credentials that we have emailed you just after you completed payment. You can also login using the Social Network, which is the most secure way.

Login Credentials

However, if you haven’t received the login credentials email, we strongly suggest you to contact with our 24/7 support.

Step 6: Navigate to University Courses

1. Once logged in to your dashboard, you can navigate to your university courses section, which gives you the direct access to courses, lessons, quizzes, assignments, grades and certificates.

University course dashboard new 1

2. Another easiest way to navigate to your university courses is the footer of our website, which is same for every single page, where you can also find all other sections of our Light & Composition.

University Footer

Step 7: Your Active Courses

Please visit the “Your Active Courses” to get inside a course.

Active courses page shows you the list of all your active courses that you are currently participating along with your progress status. Double click or tap to the course, which you want to participate. Please note, you can only see the list of your active courses when you already completed payment for your courses from our university.

university active courses List

Step 8: Your Course Outline Page

1. To participate in your course, first you must navigate to course outline page, either from the active courses page or from the main page of your course.

Please note, you need to double click or tap on the name of the course to get inside the course outline page.

Navigate to Course Outline

2. Alternatively, you can start a lesson of a course from the course outline page, which you access by clicking “Explore Course Lessons

Course Main Page

3. Course Outline is the page where you can have all your lessons listed. You can simply start your lesson by clicking or tapping one of the lesson. For Example: Day 1 – How the Delicious Foods Are Made?

The Course Outline Page

Please Note, you can only have the access inside the lesson once you enrolled into the course.

Step 9: Download Lesson Materials

1. To download your lesson materials, you need to navigate to the download section, which gives you access to all your lesson materials as well as purchased download.

Publications Download Section

2. You can also get the download link of your lesson materials inside each lesson.

Lesson Materials