Tag Archive for: Gujarat
Enjoying Her Chips by Abbas Jambughodawala
She is little beautiful costumer of my Grandpa's shop which is situated in the village of Gujarat she comes regularly to buy some chips and household stuffs, she was enjoying her chips When i clicked this photo
Shying to Camera by Abbas Jambughodawala
I were exploring the street if my home town Dahod when i decided to explore the road of collage area i found small huts near the back side of new apartment building i take permissions of owner
Kankaria Lake, by Sudeep Mehta
Kankaria Lake was built by Sultan Qutbuddin in the 15th century. A lakefront has now been developed around it, which has many public attractions such as a zoo, toy train, kids city, tethered balloon ride, water rides, water park, food stalls,…