Tag Archive for: Hellevoetsluis

Panic! by Rob van der Waal
Hundreds of Barnacle Geese suddenly started to fly when a buzzard decided to leave his place of rest, do not know why.....
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | January 29
Award Score: 67 (Value 12, Clarity 12, Composition 17, Style 13,…

IJsbloem, by Rob van der Waal
This little IJsbloem (frost flower) shows its lovely pink and white color during the summer. Using a macro lens to create an opportunity to discover details, which one usually won't see.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | January 20

Going Home, by Rob van der Waal
On a winter day I was out for a walk in a small local forest, not too many visitors due to the cold weather. Attracted by the leading lines from the trees combined with the light and perspective I captured this image; and at the moment I pushed…