Tag Archive for: India
Praying by Nicole Laris
Religion is the most important thing in India. I came inside this temple during the day, the Golden Temple, I found this beautiful family praying together in silence and after they finished I asked a little bit about the history of the place, which they happily explained to me and made me feel welcome.
Sunset at Taj Mahal by Nicole Laris
I visited the Taj Mahal for a whole day to appreciate it with light change, from sunrise to sunset. Every angle of this majestic place was breathtaking, but this picture made my heart skip a beat, while everybody was enjoying it from the front, I captured the sunset on the side of this wonder tomb.
Golden Temple by Nicole Laris
This temple has 4 entrances, one in each side, which represent the opening of the Sijs to every religion. The temple is open to anyone, without discrimination of religion, nationality, sex, color or ace.