Tag Archive for: Japan

Brothers by Jose Renteria
They are Emiliano and Nicolás, they share parents a house and a life as well as many other things, this day a shark was going to show up and they were just waiting anxious for it, the aquarium was dark and a ray of sunlight illuninated the…

Michinoku, by Jose Renteria
Michinoku is a natural park in the Tohoku region of Japan, the tulips I captured here are just a minimal part of the hundreds of thousands of flowers you can enjoy during the spring season in Japan, a place you can´t miss if you visit north…

Waterfall, by Jose Renteria
Blue Impulse Japan Self Defense aerobatic team performing the waterfall maneuver at Matsushima Airbase (which was swept by the Tsunami in march 11) during the 50th anniversary of the team. Airshows are performed all year long along Japan airbases…