Tag Archive for: Jordan

Sleeping with the Nutella, by Bashar Alaeddin
This was a personal project playing and experimenting with items and on contrasting backgrounds. As a food photographer I believe it's like creating an art-piece, like painting or anything else similar. You sit in the studio with all the colors…

Snowing in Amman, by Bashar Alaeddin
Amman saw a very heavy snow-storm in January 2013 and this is something very rare for us locals. As soon as the snow-storm lifted, I packed my camera and told my friends to drive me around the city, looking for some photo opportunities. This…

Star Trails, by Abo Inshad
I took this photograph by utilizing the long-exposure to capture the apparent motion of stars in the night sky due to the rotation of the Earth.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | July 07
Award Score: 68 (Value 12.5, Clarity 12.5, Composition…