Tag Archive for: Joy Acharyya Photography

Atop the 86th Floor, by Joy Acharyya
This photo of the New York cityscape was shot from the 86th floor of Empire State Building. New York.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | August 12
Award Score: 64 (Value 12, Clarity 13, Composition 16, Style 12, Skill 11)
Photo of the…

Connecting India, by Joy Acharyya
While on our way to Rinchenpong, Sikkim we stopped on a hilly road for breakfast and refreshment. On the other-side of the road is this small barber shop. What attracted me most in this photo is the barber himself sitting on the customers chair…

Childhood Days, by Joy Acharyya
This photo was taken at a village called Gourdaha, West Bengal, India. These boys gave me a kind of childhood nostalgic feel, when life was less complicated and more fun.
Award Winner: Photo of the Day | February 11
Award Score: 66…