Tag Archive for: Kirsten Bruening Photography

Early Bird by Kirsten Bruening
Nature (Latin natura of nasci "to be born, to be born") usually refers to that which was not created by man.This picture was taken on an clear and early summer morning in our garden, with a soft light just captured before the day begins and we go about our daily lives.

Madagascar by Kirsten Bruening
This beautiful giraffe we could admire during a trip to the "Cologne Zoo". Giraffes with a weight of 800 kg reach a speed of around 60 km / h. Giraffes are very famous since the movie Madagascar.

Chimpanzees Our Closest Relatives by Kirsten Bruening
In addition to the bonobos, chimpanzees are the closest relatives of humans - the genetic makeup of chimpanzees and humans is 98 percent. Chimpanzees also have a pronounced facial expression that is very similar to that of us humans.