Tag Archive for: Kolkata

Old Places Have Soul by Dipsankar Saha
I was just roaming around the streets of Kumartuli, Kolkata, which is known to have old buildings and home of many people. At that moment i found this old man at his home doing something, the simplicity of that people, place and the surroundings attracted me very much to take the shot.

A Heritage of Kolkata by Dipsankar Saha
This photograph was taken near Kumartuli, one of the oldest places of Kolkata, where pulled rickshaws still can be seen. In recent times the use of human-powered rickshaws has been discouraged or outlawed in many countries, as people who pulled…

Staying Hydrated by Dipsankar Saha
During summer the temperature here in Kolkata can reach up to 42°C. While I was roaming around the streets of Kolkata, the things that attracted me most when taking this picture is expressing that we need to be hydrated all the time. This little…