Tag Archive for: Kurien Koshy Yohannan

Photo of the day 26032012s

Morning Grace!

At morning times we rather wake up tiresome, feeling demotivated and wishing like those sleeping hours would never end! We only lose energy and life becomes dull in our mind, then our mind gets bored and therefore tired of doing nothing! On…
Photo of the day 22032012

The Reds, by Kurien Koshy Yohannan

The Red Arrows, the aerobatics team of the Royal Air Force, is usually a nine aircraft team but only eight planes can be seen in this image and this is due to the tragic demise of one of their pilots, Flt Lt Jon Egging. Flt Lt Jon Egging’s…
Photo of the day 10102011

Albino Python, by Kurien Koshy Yohannan

The opportunity to photograph an Albino Python was unique and what beautiful creatures they are. I was looking to focus more on the colour and texture of its body and it was an added bonus that at the time I was taking the shot the snake decided…
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