Photo of the Month | 40th Month

Looking over the Edge, by Munish Singla

1st Place | Photo of the Month | 40th Month

Looking over the Edge, by Munish Singla
Munish Singla is a hobbyist photographer from California. A software engineer by profession, Munish loves to travel and meet people. He believes photography is a very powerful medium to free the imagination, and ‘the sky is the limit’. He does not want to stick himself into any particular genre of photography, and wants to capture the beauty, peace, joy, pain, emotion, and madness of the world through his photographs. As self-taught photographer, he wants to learn, improve and grow in this field. His photo Looking over the Edge was awarded in the Photo of the Day contest in the category of Adventure Photography, as it scored a solid 69 (Value 13, Clarity 13, Composition 17, Style 13, Skill 13) from our international jury of 5. The number of Tweets, Facebook shares, and StumbleUpon Organic Views boosted the popularity of the photograph, raising its score to 3.485 from social media (Facebook Share 3.08, Tweets 0.4, StumbleUpon Organic View 0.005, and Comments 0), and in total 72.485, the highest score in this competition in the 40th Month. This photograph is the winner of Photograph of the Month – 40th Month, 1st Place.

Looking over the Edge, by Munish Singla

Looking over the Edge, by Munish Singla

We will publish a special interview with Munish Singla in the Photographer with Style section of the magazine, and the Exclusive Interview section on our website.Based on the social media responses, awarded photographs received on the 40th month, we set the maximum number of Facebook Like at 250, Tweet at 100, Stumble at 1000, and our subscribers Comments at 50. For this month, we had a head-to-head contest between the top scorers and the photographs that scored the highest became winners of the Photo of the Month. Our team decided to honor these top scorers as 2nd and 3rd places with a page in the next issue of our magazine, where the photographers will share their stories of these photographs. We will also publish their interviews in the Exclusive Interview section on our Web. One can see the details of the score from this file. Award Score details, Photo of the Month, 40th Month

We always try our best to make this competition as transparent as possible. Please read the award rules, and don’t forget to participate in next month’s competition for a chance to win this prestigious award!

2nd Place | Photo of the Month | 40th Month

Celebration of 4th, by Darshan Vaishnav
Darshan Vaishnav is in Information Technology field by Profession. Photography is his hobby and he has been in learning mode since few years and that learning mode continues. He likes to photograph as many different things as he can such as nature, landscape, architecture, people, streets and so on. He always gets excited when he gets a camera in hand and would love to travel miles and spend hours when it comes to photography. Vaishnav’s photograph “Celebration of 4th” in the category of “Night Photography” scored 67.5 (Value 13, Clarity 12.5, Composition 17.5, Style 12.5, Skill 12) from our international jury of 5, and gains a good position in the competition. The number of Tweets and Facebook shares, StumbleUpon Organic Views boosted the popularity of the photograph a notch, raising its score by 67.5 from social media (Facebook Share 4.26, Tweets 0.4, StumbleUpon Organic View .005, Comments 0.1), and in total 72.265 This photograph is the winner of Photograph of the Month – 40th Month, 2nd Place.

Celebration of 4th, by Darshan Vaishnav

Celebration of 4th, by Darshan Vaishnav

3rd Place | Photo of the Month | 40th Month

Behind my Notebook, by Ryszard Wierzbicki
Ryszard Wierzbicki was born in 1963. Graduated with a Master degree of Social Sciences in Children Care Education from University of Gdańsk in 1992 in Poland. He worked in an orphanage and four other companies, going through positions of Educator, Marketing Specialist and Sales & Marketing Manager in various branches (child care, dentistry, orthodontics and IT). Apart of his regular jobs he continued developing his Scuba Diving qualification resulted of an instructor level in PADI. Emigrated to UK in 2006, from where he started his real traveling and photography experience and exploration of South-East Asia. Volunteering occasionally with Stu and the Kids charity organization of Thai and Burmese Orphans ( His photograph Behind my Notebook in the category of Portraiture Photography scored 67.5 (Value 12.5, Clarity 13, Composition 17.5, Style 11.5, Skill 12) from our international jury of 5, and gains a good position in the competition. The number of Tweets and Facebook shares, StumbleUpon Organic Views boosted the popularity of the photograph a notch, raising its score by 4.185 from social media (Facebook Share 3.66, Tweets .05, StumbleUpon Organic View 0.025, Comments 0), and in total 71.685. This photograph is the winner of Photograph of the Month – 40th Month, 3rd Place.

Behind my Notebook, by Ryszard Wierzbicki

Behind my Notebook, by Ryszard Wierzbicki

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