Photo of the Month | 55th Month

Winter, by Ronnie Glover

1st Place | Photo of the Month | 55th Month

Winter, by Ronnie Glover
Photography took a backseat while Ronnie obtained his college degree. After graduation, he purchased his first camera but was unable to produce the images that he saw in his mind. He then took a few continuing education classes to learn the technical aspects of the camera and realized there was so much more to learn about photography. So Ronnie enrolled in the professional program at Southeastern Center for the Arts in Atlanta. The school was operated by Jeanne & Neil Chaput de Saintonge, who currently operate Rocky Mountain School of Photography. Ronnie’s photograph Winter awarded in the Photo of the Day Award in the category of Black & White Photography, as it scored a solid 69 (Value 12.5, Clarity 12.5, Composition 18, Style 13, Skill 13) from our international jury of 5. The number of Tweets, Facebook shares, and StumbleUpon Organic Views boosted the popularity of the photograph, raising its score to 4.97125 from social media (Facebook Share 2.31875, Tweets 2.65, StumbleUpon Organic View 0.0025, and Comments 0), and in total 73.97125, the highest score in this competition for the 55th Month. This photograph is the winner of Photograph of the Month – 55th Month, 1st Place.

Winter, by Ronnie Glover

Winter, by Ronnie Glover

We will publish a special interview with Ronnie Glover in the Exclusive Interview section on our website. Based on the social media responses, awarded photographs received on the 55th month, we set the maximum number of Facebook Like at 400, Tweet at 100, Stumble at 1000, and our subscribers Comments at 50. For this month, we had a head-to-head contest between the top scorers and the photographs that scored the highest became winners of the Photo of the Month. Our team decided to honor these top scorers as 2nd and 3rd places with a page in the next issue of our magazine, where the photographers will share their stories of these photographs. We will also publish their interviews in the Exclusive Interview section on our Web. One can see the details of the score from this file. Award Score details, Photo of the Month, 55th Month We always try our best to make this competition as transparent as possible. Please read the award rules, and don’t forget to participate in next month’s competition for a chance to win this prestigious award!

2nd Place | Photo of the Month | 55th Month

Signs of Age, by Dipanjan Mitra
Being a software professional since 1999, Dipanjan Mitra always had an intense desire to travel across the Indian terrains. It was long inhibited till 2006 when his journey began with a small digital camera in the state of Karnataka. The world of photography really got him going when he moved on to a relatively higher end digital camera in the form of Canon S5 IS which he had used for around 2 years, trying to learn the magic of shutter and aperture until the real journey began with a Rebel T1i in May 2010. Fascinated by the magic of being behind the lens keeps amazing him every day. He wishes this journey never ends. Dipanjan’s photograph Signs of Age, in the category of Portraiture Photography scored 69 (Value 13, Clarity 13, Composition 18, Style 13, Skill 12) from our international jury of 5, and gains a good position in the competition. The number of Tweets and Facebook shares, StumbleUpon Organic Views boosted the popularity of the photograph a notch, raising its score to 4.63375 from social media (Facebook Share 2.43125, Tweets 2.2, StumbleUpon Organic View 0.0025, and Comments 0), and in total 73.63375, the 2nd highest score in this competition for the 55th Month. This photograph is the winner of Photograph of the Month – 55th Month, 2nd Place.

Signs of Age, by Dipanjan Mitra

Signs of Age, by Dipanjan Mitra

3rd Place | Photo of the Month | 55th Month

Gouda Landscape, by Dawid Theron
Dawid Theron has always been drawn to the way nature presents it’s own “works of art”. Although he can appreciate beautiful landscapes and sunsets, his focus is towards the smaller elements: a close-up of a flower or water running over rocks, creating works of art that would normally go unnoticed. Dawid’s love for capturing these type of images doesn’t end in a natural environment; he also has a passion for architecture and other man-made objects that may present it’s own beautiful elements in the form of interesting lines, shapes, textures and colors. Dawid’s photograph Gouda Landscape awarded in the Photo of the Day Award in the category of Sunrise & Sunset Photography, as it scored a solid 68.5 (Value 12.5, Clarity 12, Composition 18, Style 13, Skill 13) from our international jury of 5. The number of Tweets, Facebook shares, and StumbleUpon Organic Views boosted the popularity of the photograph, raising its score to 2.8025 from social media (Facebook Share 0.8, Tweets 2, StumbleUpon Organic View 0.0025, and Comments 0), and in total 71.3025, the 3rd highest score in this competition for the 55th Month.

Gouda Landscape, by Dawid Theron

Gouda Landscape, by Dawid Theron

There is no Conqueror except Allah, by Ahmed Al.Badawy
Ahmed Mohammed Albadawy, Architect and Photographer. Born in Mansoura, Egypt, in 1985. He is one of the founders of Gozour, architecture and design studio “”. Ahmed started his photography career in April 2010. His photography perspective grows up dramatically with Architecture. From historical places his photography found it’s character and features. “Do what you like by the way you like, and ignore the complexity of the world” is one of simple principals in his life. He believes great talents can come from the simplicity of surrounding things and people are always good partners to feel his talents. Ahmed’s photograph Conqueror except Allah awarded in the Photo of the Day Award in the category of Islamic Photography, as it scored a solid 65 (Value 12, Clarity 12, Composition 17, Style 12, Skill 12) from our international jury of 5. The number of Tweets, Facebook shares, and StumbleUpon Organic Views boosted the popularity of the photograph, raising its score to 7.0025 from social media (Facebook Share 4.7, Tweets 2.3, StumbleUpon Organic View 0.0025, and Comments 0), and in total 72.0025, the 3rd highest score in this competition for the 55th Month.

There is no Conqueror except Allah, by Ahmed Al.Badawy

There is no Conqueror except Allah, by Ahmed Al.Badawy

As these two photograph’s scores are so close, we decided to award them as Photo of the Month – 55th Month, 3rd Place

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