Photo of the Month | 83rd Month

Patrolling the Territory, by Martin Meyer

1st Place | Photo of the Month | 83rd Month

Patrolling the Territory, by Martin Meyer
Martin is a qualified DEAT / FGASA field guide and internationally accredited Emergency Responder with extensive experience in leading 4WD safaris throughout Southern Africa as well as in the game parks of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. He has been active in establishing new routes and locations for various safari companies, has led photo safaris in Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. He has also guided scuba trips on the island of Zanzibar. Martin is thoroughly knowledgeable about all aspects of southern Africa’s natural history and fascinating cultures. His people skills and the love of the outdoors have made him a very sought after guide. Martin’s photograph Patrolling the Territory awarded in the Photo of the Day Award in the category of Wildlife Photography, as it scored a solid 71 (Value 13, Clarity 14, Composition 18, Style 13, Skill 13) from our international jury of 5. The number of organic and total social share along with the organic reach and comments boosted the popularity of the photograph, raising its score to 9.39 from social media (Organic Share 3.04, Total Share 5, Organic Reach/View 0.64, and Comments 0), and in total 79.68, the highest score in this competition for the 83rd Month. This photograph is the winner of Photograph of the Month – 83rd Month, 1st Place.

Patrolling the Territory, by Martin Meyer

We will publish a special interview with Martin Meyer in the Exclusive Interview section on our website. Based on the social media responses and comments, awarded photographs received on the 83rd month, we set the maximum number of Organic Social Share at 500, Total Social Share at 1000, Organic Reach 1000, and our subscribers Comments at 50. For this month, we had a head-to-head contest between the top scorers and the photographs that scored the highest became winners of the Photo of the Month. Our team decided to honor these top scorers as 2nd and 3rd places with a page in the next issue of our magazine, where the photographers will share their stories of these photographs. We will also publish their interviews in the Exclusive Interview section on our web. One can see the details of the score from this file. Award Score details, Photo of the Month, 83rd Month We always try our best to make this competition as transparent as possible. Please read the award rules, and don’t forget to participate in next month’s competition for a chance to win this prestigious award!

2nd Place | Photo of the Month | 83rd Month

Serengeti Wildebeest Migration, by Martin Meyer
Another marvelous photography by photographer Martin Meyer Serengeti Wildebeest Migration awarded in the Photo of the Day Award in the category of Wildlife Photography, as it scored a solid 69.5 (Value 13, Clarity 13, Composition 18, Style 12.5, Skill 13) from our international jury of 5. The number of organic and total social share along with the organic reach and comments boosted the popularity of the photograph, raising its score to 6.745 from social media (Organic Share 2.13, Total Share 3.84, Organic Reach/View 0.775, and Comments 0), and in total 76.245, the second highest score in this competition for the 83rd Month. This photograph is the winner of Photograph of the Month – 83rd Month, 2nd Place.

Serengeti Wildebeest Migration, by Martin Meyer

3rd Place | Photo of the Month | 83rd Month

The Sky Porch, by Zahraa Al Hassani
Zahraa Al Hassani is a passionate photographer, and works as designer in Zain Telecommunications for more than 6 years. Graduating from the University of Technology Bagdad, her first job was at Wacther Company Ltd. as a graphic designer for constructions. Zahraa’s photograph The Sky Porch, in the category of Nature Photography scored a moderate 69 (Value 13, Clarity 13, Composition 18, Style 13, Skill 12) from our international jury of 5. The number of organic and total social share along with the organic reach and comments boosted the popularity of the photograph, raising its score to 5.905 from social media (Organic Share 2.13, Total Share 2.94, Organic Reach/View 0.835, and Comments 0), and in total 74.905, the third highest score in this competition for the 83rd Month. This photograph is the winner of Photograph of the Month – 83rd Month, 3rd Place.

The Sky Porch, by Zahraa Al Hassani

Small Autumn World, by Rob van der Waal
Rob van der Waal was born in 1957 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. His father was a passionate photographer who taught him the basics of photography. When he was 7 years old, his family already had a darkroom on the top floor of their family house. His dad was on the edge of what was possible those days, using 2 Leica M3 bodies, and was developing black/white and color films by himself and with some modifications to his equipment, created images of 40x60cm. Waal’s photograph Small Autumn World, in the category of Nature Photography scored a moderate 67 (Value 12, Clarity 12, Composition 18, Style 13, Skill 12) from our international jury of 5. The number of organic and total social share along with the organic reach and comments boosted the popularity of the photograph, raising its score to 7.75 from social media (Organic Share 2.71, Total Share 4.21, Organic Reach/View 0.83, and Comments 0), and in total 74.75, the forth highest score in this competition for the 83rd Month. This photograph is also the winner of Photograph of the Month – 83rd Month, 3rd Place as their scores are so close.Small Autumn World, by Rob van der Waal

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