Fernando Rodríguez

Fernando Rodríguez was born in 1976 in León, Spain, but nowadays lives in Madrid. He is a lead programmer in a videogame company in Spain. He discovered the artistic side of photography two and half years ago because he wanted to take good photograph of his first son. Since then photography has become his passion. The most important achievement of Fernando was selling one of his photos to Canon in 2009 for an international brochure.

Fernando Rodríguez Martínez

Fernando Rodríguez Martínez

Camera Gear: Canon EOS 40D
Current Location: León, Spain
Photoblog: http://thegatheringshot.frodrig.com
Best Achievements & Exhibitions:
Light & Composition Photo of the Day Award

Some of Fernando Rodríguez’s Most Popular Award Achievements

Hard Worker by Fernando Rodríguez

Hard Worker by Fernando Rodríguez

Like a giant exhausted for a hard day's work this tractor was absolutely humanized thanks to the especial filtered light. It was taken in Villaornate - León,Spa...
Out of Context by Fernando Rodríguez

Out of Context by Fernando Rodríguez

This photo is special because although the group of tourists where taking photos of the Montjuic Montain behind, from my position it looked like they were out o...

Out of Context by Fernando Rodríguez
Anonymous Lives, by Fernando Rodríguez
Hard Worker by Fernando Rodríguez
Browse all Fernando Rodríguez’s contributions in Light & Composition

Recent Reflections Based on Fernando Rodríguez’s Photographs

A Life without Burdens

A Life without Burdens

Do you ever want to disappear? Be removed from your own world? The complex lie you live everyday becomes too much. The burden of hope is a heavy weight on your ...
Is That You?

Is That You?

Have you ever tried watching the passer by? If you ever try, you'll know that the strangers from the street, whom we do not know at all are so much alike, it's ...

A Life without Burdens
Is That You?
Browse all Light & Composition Reflections

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