Jean Baptiste Fernandez
Jean Baptiste Fernandez was born in the south of France in Toulouse. He started to learn to be a chef at 13 years old. He found photography to balance with that intense life. His works try to stop the time at a moment of freedom and contemplation of that feeling. He tries to work on that in pure contrast with what he does all week. Need to think at everything, anticipate all the time. For him shooting is an occasion to have time to feel the moment, express himself and and to feel the life outside of the kitchens.
Current Location
Oslo, Norway
Best Achievements & Exhibitions
Award Winner
Photo of the Day
Canon EOS M3 18.55mm 55.200mm, Canon EOS 500n 18.55mm
Lenses and Gears
Canon EOS M3 18.55mm 55.200mm, Canon EOS 500n 18.55mm