Louise Fahy

Louise Fahy is a lawyer based in Paris, France. An avid photographer with a love of travel, she always has a camera of some sort by her side to capture interesting people and places around the world. She also enjoys editing her photos using colors and textures where she sees appropriate to help re-create the feeling or atmosphere of a particular scene. Influences include Henri Cartier-Bresson and Izis.
Louise Fahy

Louise Fahy

Camera Gear: Nikon D300
Current Location: Paris, France
Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/people/57914274@N08
Website: http://louisefahy.redbubble.com
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/LouiseFahy75002

Some of Louise Fahy’s Most Popular Award Achievements

Icelandic Ponies by Louise Fahy

Icelandic Ponies by Louise Fahy

"Icelandic Ponies" was photographed in the summer of 2011 near Reykjavik, Iceland, at the end of the day as we returned from a glacier hike. I noticed these Ice...
Springtime Daisies in Paris, by Louise Fahy

Springtime Daisies in Paris, by Louise Fahy

Daisies, with their white petals surrounding yellow centers signal the abundant blooms and the spring time in Paris. “Daisies” was photographed in the Jardin de...

Springtime Daisies in Paris, by Louise Fahy
Icelandic Ponies by Louise Fahy
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What is life but an endless race! We always keep chasing things; success, money, love, happiness- to name a few. Do we ever get it? Yes, but for a limited time....

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