Huseyin Esen
Born in Turkey, Huseyin Esen is 42 years old. He lived in a town when he was a kid. He struggled with a lot of challenges and went to university. He is hard working and ambitious.
Park Se Jin
Born in Korea, Park was born in Seoul and is currently living in Seoul. He carries a camera with him to film a different day every day. However, he doesn't plan and shoot specifically. So there are times when he misses too beautiful a scene or a momentary capture, but he's happy to see it with his eyes and goes around looking for a new one.
Jose Juniel Rivera-Negron
Jose was born in the small tropical Island of Puerto Rico. Since a child he always had dreams, dreams to become a someone and travel the world. He wants to thank Light and Composition and its staff for letting him follow his dreams and achieve his goals and travel the world to show everyone that its possible even if you are 37 years old, is never to late for anything.